AE Gibson & Sons Innovative Australian Hydraulic Cylinder Parts
AE Gibson and Sons is a highly experienced and prominent supplier of complete sawmill automation solutions, this includes hydraulics, pneumatics and electrical controls.
We are specialists in electrical design, hydraulic and pneumatic design, manufacture and commissioning of fully integrated solutions. With our engineers, you can be certain of complete sawmill solutions to suit the project. Call AE Gibson and Sons to discuss your needs.
Engineering Services for Clients Across the Globe
Hydraulic Cylinders & Parts
AE Gibson & Sons offers a range of quality hydraulic cylinders and parts for industrial applications. We offer a diverse range of standard and special cylinders to suit all types of industrial cylinder applications. Our quality cylinders meet every major industry standard with a variety of options and brands available to suit your budget. Our cylinders and parts are designed to deliver long, efficient service with low maintenance requirements, guaranteeing high productivity throughout the life of the product.
Contact our team to find the parts you need for your project.
Engineering Specialist Machinery
AE Gibson and Sons specialises in the design, manufacture and supply of specialist machinery.
Process Renewables and Waste
We help our customers to process renewable resources, biomass and waste products.
Processing & Manufacturing Industries
We offer services to Processing & Manufacturing industries.
Contact AE Gibson and Sons for the Australian Engineering in Automation That You Can Rely On. (02) 6559 4001