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AE Gibson & Sons Innovative Australian Engineering for Scragg Mill Sawmills

AE Gibson and Sons delivers complete sawmills and sawing lines. We offer end-to-end services to custom-design sawmills tailored to your operating needs.

With our extensive experience in sawmilling and technology, we design custom sawmills based on your needs across a range of interrelated factors. Gibson Scragg Mills are the simplified solution for producing workable cants. With innovative technology they are fully automated and can easily be operated by a single worker.

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Engineering Services for Clients Across the Globe

Gibson Scragg Mill

Since 1896, the primary objective of AE Gibson and Sons has been to maintain a leading position in the design and manufacture of sawmilling machinery, materials handling, general engineering and associated sawmill equipment.

Gibson Scragg Mills are the simplified solution for producing workable cants. Fully automated, and can easily be operated by a single worker. The logs are centred in position in the end dogging carriage.

The log then passes through two 30” saw blades, is rotated 90 degrees and returns through the same saw blades producing a four-sided cant — all in one operation. With a cutting rate of six logs per minute, Gibson Scragg Mills are designed to deliver a new level of efficiency to your operation.

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Engineering Specialist Machinery

AE Gibson and Sons specialises in the design, manufacture and supply of specialist machinery.

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Process Renewables and Waste

We help our customers to process renewable resources, biomass and waste products.

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Processing & Manufacturing Industries

We offer services to Processing and Manufacturing industries.

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Contact AE Gibson and Sons for the Australian Engineering in Custom Sawmills That You Can Rely On. (02) 6559 4001

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